Eating: Lydia will eat just about anything, but is starting to become rather picky. She has recently decided that she doesn't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and eggs are hit and miss. (Sad for me!) She is also pretty selective about meat- she won't eat tuna and will only occasionally eat chicken. She's also not a fan of ice cream, but I think that's a temperature thing. Favorite foods include crackers of any kind, cucumbers, bananas, strawberries, potato chips, chocolate, and applesauce. She loves to drink milk, water, and cranberry juice. She sits in her high chair for meals and has gotten pretty good at communicating when she needs more of something or is all done. She gets a huge smile and kicks her legs when she wants more, and stacks her dishes and hands them to us when she's all done. She also likes to have a napkin to clean up her area when she's all done.
Sleeping; Lydia goes to bed around 7:00pm and sleeps until somewhere from 6:30-7:00 am; some mornings she will wake up earlier than that and yell for us for a few minutes and then go back to sleep! She also takes an afternoon nap that lasts from 2-3 hours. We put her in her crib with her blanket and her bunny and the sound machine on.
Clothes: Most of her clothes are still 18mon or 18-24mon and fit just fine. She wears size 4 shoes and size 4 diapers. Lydia loves shoes! She will put on whatever pair of shoes she can find! She also likes to bring me shoes and gets upset if I don't put them on!
Activities: Lydia loves to be outside, coloring, and knocking down whatever Haleigh has built. She will occasionally go off by herself and read her books or play by herself. She loves pulling all the toilet paper off the roll, brushing her own teeth and putting on shoes. Over the past few days, she has started to push her little cart all over and has preferred to walk with it than scoot around. This is definitely progress on the walking front! In fact, Saturday night she took a few steps by herself!
Talking: Lydia has very few words, mostly just "Dad" "Mom" El-ee" (Shelby), "hi" "yeah" "beep-beep" (which she uses whenever anyone is in her way) and "Babia." My friend Mandi babysits the girls every week and her youngest daughter Eden calls Lydia "Babia." I think it probably comes from 'Baby Lydia' but became "Babia" and now Lydia uses it for herself! She also has lots of grunts and incomprehensible sounds! Regardless, she seems to be able to communicate her needs and she clearly understands us when we talk to her. She follows directions when I ask her to do things and most just gets really excited if she likes what we are saying!
Basically, she is just adorable, smiles all the time, gives great hugs, has a perfect little pucker when you ask for a kiss and will pull hair when looking for attention. She can climb a flight of stairs, loves to look at books, rarely sits still long enough to cuddle and is constantly ruining her sisters' art projects.