Monday, January 29, 2018

San Diego

Last week Kyle had a conference in San Diego and I went along for a few days! My mom spent the night at our house with the girls and both of my sisters stepped in and helped out while Grandma had to work.

Kyle and I flew down on Wednesday afternoon and arrived with time to watch the sunset at the beach!

He spent all day Thursday and Friday at the conference and thoroughly enjoyed all of it! It was both inspirational and practical and he came away with lots of great ideas as he gets ready to launch his own leadership training/consulting business. (Check it out...Gillette Solutions)
The view from our room!

While he was at the conference, I took advantage of the sunshine and spent some time outside running. I had read online that Balboa Park was full of running trails and a must-do for anyone visiting San Diego so I figured I should check it out. I honestly wasn't that impressed with the trails I came ended at a sign that said "Caution: Archery Ahead." Another had too many fallen trees/branches across it to navigate.  
I made sure to take a picture of the rental car so that I could find it back again!
Loving that sunshine!

"Palm Canyon"

"Desert Canyon"
 There was a nice trail along the water right by our hotel, so I took advantage of that on Friday and went on a nice's amazing how nice it is to run by myself!

We found a pizza place where Kyle could order gluten free, dairy free pizza!

Knowing that I would have quite a bit of time to myself on this trip, I took along some of my scrapbooking stuff and was able to get Haleigh's scrapbook finished! I put together a book for each of the girls that just covers the first year of their life and I figured that since Haleigh is almost four, it's about time I get it finished!

On Saturday we planned on visiting the USS Midway Museum, but the road we needed was closed to cruise ship traffic only and the surrounding area was very busy due to a Women's March that was taking place. We decided to change our plans and went back to Balboa Park and visited the Air and Space Museum instead. We chatted with several of the people working and learned some fasciniating things about some of the planes as well as some WWII history.

Apollo 9

It's hard to tell in this picture, but the pilor of this little plane actually lays on top of the plane! 

These aircraft carriers are massive!

After visiting the museum, we roamed around the park a bit before going for a short run and out for dinner. 

We spent our last day in San Diego at the beach, soaking up the sunshine and staring at the ocean! We walked out on the pier, watched some guys surfing and ate a picnic lunch on the beach before we had to head back to the airport for our flight home.

So long San was a fun little get-away but we were both ready to get home! 

Friday, January 5, 2018

16 Months

Lydia is 16 months old as of yesterday! She continues to be so much fun and for the most part is such an easy-going little lady! However, she will make it known when she doesn't like something or something she wants gets taken away from her! 
Sleeping: Lydia goes to bed around 7:00pm and sleeps all night, usually waking up somewhere between 7-7:30am. She sleeps with a little lovey and a blanket. When she wakes up in the morning, I usually find her sitting up with the lovey on the floor! She still naps twice/day most of the time. Each nap lasts between 1-2 hours, occasionally even longer! 

Eating: Lydia loves to eat! She will out-eat her sisters most days. Favorite foods include bananas, toast, apples, pears, blueberries, and crackers of all kinds. Meat is hit and miss, depending on how it's cooked. She likes to drink milk and water and uses a sippy cup. We have a drawer in the kitchen that has plastic cups and bowls in it; when she is hungry or thirsty, she will scoot up to the drawer, grab whatever it is she needs and then scoots over to us! It's pretty cute and nice that she can make some of her needs known!!
Activities: Lydia loves eating, stacking blocks, getting into her sister's coloring bin and opening markers, reading books, taking a bath and dumping things out of a bag/container and then putting them back into it. She's not a fan of having her diaper changed or having things taken away from her. 

Teeth: Lydia has 12 teeth and at least one that is trying to come in. It's hard to get a good look in her mouth these days! She doesn't like to have her teeth brushed but loves to chew on her toothbrush!

Clothes: Most of her clothes are still 12 months, but we are slowly moving in to 12-18 month things. She is still in sz 3 diapers. 

Lydia is still not showing any interest in walking. She can scoot very efficiently and seems to be quite content with that! As far as talking goes, she says 'uh-oh' and 'hot.' And that's about it! Hopefully soon we will see some advancement in both of these areas!!