It's true...Lydia is already four months old! The biggest change has been that I returned back to work, which is why this post is more than a week overdue! Lydia now goes with Annaliese and Haleigh to the babysitter once a week...they are all very excited to have Lydia join them and so far it seems to be going pretty well!
Lydia is the happiest baby ever! She smiles all the time and is usually content to go with the flow and be a part of the action. It's fun to watch her observe what her sisters are doing and see her smile in recognition of their voices.
Sleeping: Lydia usually goes to bed for the night around 9:00-9:15pm. The past week or so she has been waking up frequently, but just needs her pacifier and will then go back to sleep; I don't feed her during the night anymore. She usually sleeps in until 7-7:30 and I usually have to wake her up in order to get our day started! Naps are still quite inconsistent and I would like to get better at having her nap in her crib more regularly. I guess that's part of being the third kid! We aren't home enough to get into a good nap schedule!
Eating: This little lady eats about every three hours and will nurse or take a bottle without any problems! Annaliese and Haleigh both love to help feed her:)
Clothes: There are still some 3 month things that fit but we are mostly wearing 6 month stuff now and diapers are still size 2.
Activities: Lydia is so easy-going and loves to be in a place where she can watch what's going on around her. She has started to show some interest in her playmat and grabbing onto small toys. She also recently started rolling over from her back to her belly. She loves bathtime, reading stories with her sisters and cuddling with Daddy.