Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Since Monday was MLK day, Annaliese didn't have school and Kyle didn't have to work. We decided to take advantage of the day and head up towards Mt. Baker to go snowshoeing. As we passed through Maple Falls, we decided that maybe we should head to Silver Lake instead of driving all the way up to the snow park. When you're not quite sure how the kiddos are going to do, the shorter drive tends to sound more appealing!

It proved to be a good decision! The ground was covered with snow but was hard enough that we didn't actually need snowshoes. We wanted the girls to try them, though, and Annaliese actually did quite well with hers! Haleigh was not a fan! She just stood there crying and saying, "I can't. I can't."

They both enjoyed walking out on the frozen lake a little ways, sledding down a small hill on an old sled we found lying around and playing on the playground.

Lydia's first time sledding!

Who says you need a sled to go sledding?

Kyle out on the lake

Don't worry...he didn't fall. He was just playing around!  

She still said she was having fun!!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Mallory's 3rd Birthday and a trip to the Zoo!

On Saturday we headed down to Seattle for the day. We started out by going to Ben and Kelsey's house for Mallory's birthday party. It was a Dora the Explorer theme and Kelsey put together a few fun photo props, some coloring pages for the kids, and a tasty spread of food for all to enjoy! 
Haleigh, Mallory and Annaliese

Elias and Annaliese were very focused on their coloring projects!

Daddy and Haleigh

Auntie Kim as Dora

After the party, we all headed to the Woodland Park Zoo. It was a bit chilly, but the sun was shining and we all appreciated the fresh air! Uncle Jon, Auntie Sarah, Reed and Kieran gave us a membership to the zoo for Christmas so we were excited to get to use it for the first time!

Grandpa and Lydia

Elias watching the bears

The wolves are such beautiful animals!

Elias and Annaliese checking out the hippo.

Our group:)

The Emu's

Mallory received a free token for the carousel for her birthday so we let all of the kids ride together.

Happy Birthday, Mallory!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

4 Months!

It's true...Lydia is already four months old! The biggest change has been that I returned back to work, which is why this post is more than a week overdue! Lydia now goes with Annaliese and Haleigh to the babysitter once a week...they are all very excited to have Lydia join them and so far it seems to be going pretty well! 

Lydia is the happiest baby ever! She smiles all the time and is usually content to go with the flow and be a part of the action. It's fun to watch her observe what her sisters are doing and see her smile in recognition of their voices.
Sleeping: Lydia usually goes to bed for the night around 9:00-9:15pm. The past week or so she has been waking up frequently, but just needs her pacifier and will then go back to sleep; I don't feed her during the night anymore. She usually sleeps in until 7-7:30 and I usually have to wake her up in order to get our day started! Naps are still quite inconsistent and I would like to get better at having her nap in her crib more regularly. I guess that's part of being the third kid! We aren't home enough to get into a good nap schedule! 

Eating: This little lady eats about every three hours and will nurse or take a bottle without any problems! Annaliese and Haleigh both love to help feed her:)

Clothes: There are still some 3 month things that fit but we are mostly wearing 6 month stuff now and diapers are still size 2.

Activities: Lydia is so easy-going and loves to be in a place where she can watch what's going on around her. She has started to show some interest in her playmat and grabbing onto small toys. She also recently started rolling over from her back to her belly. She loves bathtime, reading stories with her sisters and cuddling with Daddy. 

Saturday, January 7, 2017

December wrap-up

I know there have been a lot of posts and pictures recently, but we had a lot of fun around the house as well. We had a few days of snow and cold temperatures which meant we had a few snow days and the opportunity to build a snowman in our backyard. It also meant lots of indoor playtime because it was too cold and windy to be outside for long!

Malachi at the park

Watching Elf

Having a tea party